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17 Year Old Threatened With Force Feeding Without Finding Out WHY She Cannot Gain Weight!

Holly's mum reached out to us for support, late last week, we learned today that the Trinbunal to appeal Holly's section was denied and were given the go ahead by Holly to publish two videos and the following petition, please sign it:

"Hi My name is Emma Dalmayne, I am CEO of an Autistic led organisation in SE London.

Right now in Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Woolwich, there is a 17 year old girl named Holly who has been sectioned.

Holly is not mentally ill, she has Arfid and due to a medical complication with her feeding tube left untreated by the NHS despite her and her family begging for treatment, she now weighs only 4 stone 9lb.

The hospital have her on a general ward with a 24 hour mental health nurse guard outside her door.

Holly is autistic and has OCD. There is no way for her to access a kitchen, a cooker or a fridge to store food she deems safe, so she has had to resort to eating only biscuits and other pre packaged goods such as muffins.

See Holly explain the situation here:

Holly is gaining weight, but is told its "not quick enough", despite being made to eat 3,000 calories a day. To eat that amount with a shrunken stomach is incredibly painful for Holly, but the hospital have informed her that if she does not eat the full amount of calories, every day, they will resort to force feeding her via her peg tube, using clinical restraint.

At the moment they have demanded that the nurse on guard watches her eat and then watches her for one hour afterwards as well.

The hospital are not looking at WHY she's not gaining weight, they are simply using threats to scare her.

Holly is a well mannered, softly spoken young lady. She has a voluntary job in a Animal Charity Shop and also raises money for the Greenwich and Bexley Hospice selling hand made sewn items. She runs her own small sewing business and is a beautiful artist. She enjoys spending time with friends and family and with her beloved dog.

Holly's Nanny is very ill and they have told Holly that unless she gains weight, she won't be allowed out to see her.

Rebecca Holly's mum has this to say:

"Holly's initial food issues began in 2021, triggered by the pandemic.

The most recent issues began in January, when the peg tube started to rot in her stomach and the nhs took 4 months to replace it, then another 3 months to fix damage done and stop her vomiting on every meal.

Holly is in hospital now because camhs said she was not gaining weight quick enough.

This needs to be exposed as it is an abuse of the Mental Health Act. Holly presented to hospital voluntarily to avoid sectioning. A day later they sectioned her anyway."

Please sign and share to demand that Holly be released so she can be with her family with care in the community, at home where her foods she is comfortable eating can be freshly prepared in her own kitchen.

See video 2 of Holly speaking here, tribunal was lost the day after it was filmed:

Lastly we demand that the appropriate medical investigations be put in place in the community to find out WHY Holly cannot gain weight, threats and intimidation while being forcibly kept in a hospital room will do nothing but cause trauma and more trepidation towards food.


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Website by Take It Off My Hands

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