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ACTION: stop the deportation of autistic man Osime Brown

Osime Brown is 21 years old, autistic and developmentally younger than his peers. He is also learning disabled, dyslexic, has been diagnosed with PTSD due to his time in care, and suffers with depression.

Osime was jailed in 2018 over the theft of a phone in a street robbery, despite a witness for the defence stating Osime had not taken the phone and had in fact asked the other teens carrying out the robbery to stop. Since being in prison he has developed a heart condition and has had an operation to put in a loop recording device to monitor it. Osime was in 28 care home placements over the course of 12 months; he has been repeatedly failed by social services and the education system.

Extremely stressed and suffering meltdowns, Osime is self-injuring and extremely worried about his possible deportation to Jamaica, a country he left at the age of four. He has no family network there and is vulnerable to negative influences, peer pressure and bullying. Sending him to a country he knows nothing of could be potentially lethal. Osime has asked his mother, Joan Fairclough, if there is a bus he could take to see her if he is deported. Joan lives in Dudley, Birmingham.

Autistic Inclusive Meets asks the Home Office to not deport Osime, but to allow him to stay in the UK where upon his release he can get support and assisted living. 


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