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AIM Aids Child in Morocco

Emma Dalmayne was tagged on a Facebook advertisement for a medically uproven unregulated supplement named Spectrum Awakening, targeted at parents of autistic children. She commented and replied to parents who were thinking of ordering to warn them that the product was not proven to recover children from autism or to promote speech.

Emma Dalmayne was tagged on a Facebook advertisement for a medically uproven unregulated supplement named Spectrum Awakening, targeted at parents of autistic children. She commemted and replied to parents who were thinking of ordering to warn them that the product was not proven to recover children from autism or to promote speech.

One of the parents messaged Emma and queried her comments on the post.

Thus began a long conversation for 2 and a half hours using voice messages, links and text.

Emma asked what the child’s issues were and suggested different approaches that could instead be used to help.

The parent who does not wish to be identified confided that they have used many bio med type supplements and vitamins on their child, including intramuscular B12 injections, believing they would help.

They were acting under the misinformation filled advice of a DAN – Defeat Autism Now practioner.

Their child is a non speaking little person of 8. They have also been subjected to Applied Behavioural Analysis from 9 in the morning to five in the afternoon 5 days a week.

Emma sent voice messages and various links to the parent including:

The parent decided after speaking at length with Emma to instead pursue:

Sensory enrichment Regulated medication from their paediatrician for their child’s ADHD and sleep issues Stop the quest for a cure Change the ABA approach to no planned ignorings, no rewards and no reinforcers or motivators.

They were reluctant to do away with ABA completley so Emma picked her battles. Interview below:

  1. Emma: You messaged Emma after seeing her comment on a Facebook post that was advertising an unproven supplement that claimed to ‘recover’ children from autism, can I ask what you had hoped to gain from purchasing it?

Parent: I have purchased a bundle of 4 supplements that were supposed to treat irritability and fix mitochondrial issues, unfortunately none of the 4 supplements provided any significant results, then i have discovered that the guy promoting these supplements is a charlatan and scammer who seems to be very confident and give you answers to all symptoms you are describing.

Emma: Have you used many bio med treatments on your child and if so, what?

Parent: i have used many supplements that were supposed to treat gut issues like probiotics, digestive enzymes and also other vitamins like B vitamins, vitamin D and omega 3. I have also used other meds that were supposed to treat inflammation and mitochondria issues and all these meds are off label.

Emma. Did you see any negative effects, sickness or self injurious behaviours from your child that the DAN doctors would explain away as detox?

Parent: My child triggers self injury and bahavior issues , the DAN doctor suggested supplements like magnesium, GABA and melatonin. We didn’t perfom the detox protocol so far.

Emma: What was it you hoped you would achieve from using these treatments and supplements?

Parent: I was hoping to resuce irritability, self injury, sleep disorder and also help with verbal communication as some of the supplements we were told they help child to develop language.

Emma: Did any of these supplements cure or recover your child from autism?


Emma: The ABA therapist was coming to uour house from 9 – 5pm daily and using reinforcers, motivators, planned ignorings, rewards and punishments.

Parent: Yes , the therapist was given a program and the program as ABA suggested is using reinforcers and motivators, no punishment as far as i recall. Initially the ABA with help of reorientation and signing help slightly with reducing self injury but still there are some self injury not that aggressive as before but still like hand biting as an example.

There was also forced attempts at speech and eye contact.

There are incitation to repeat words as part of a receptive language program.

Emma: Can you explain how your daughter reacted to this?

Parent: Sometimes she gets angry and bite her hands when insisting for her to repeat such imitation order.

Emma: How will you now be changing your approaches to your child?

Parent:I will continue on sensory enrichment and change the way the ABA is executed now to remove reinforcement and rewards and will be mainly a play environment for her to engage and learn by nature. I will also stop bio meds and look for for neuropediatrician to treat ADHD and sleep disorder with a proven and reliable drugs.

Emma:. Will there be changes made to the ABA approach?

Parent: Yes definitely

Emma: What changed your mind?

Parent: I was a victim of misleading therapies and money grabber specialists who pretend they have the magic potion to treat autism. But after talking to Emma my perception to autism has changed.

I am not looking anymore to autism as an illness or biomedical issue and i will address the symptoms from a medical angle as if it was for a neurotypical child.


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