We understand that many of you have fears and uncertainty about the Covid-19 vaccine, whether it’s about the vaccine itself or the process of being vaccinated.
We here at Autistic Inclusive Meets are pro-vaccine. We trust in science and recommend that if you are medically able to have the Covid-19 vaccine then you should. Beating this pandemic depends on as many of us as possible taking responsibility for our own and each other’s health.
We should do this by utilising any and all means available:
social distancing
wearing a mask (unless exempt)
hand washing and sanitising
Those who are immune compromised and are unable to have the vaccine are depending on those who are to do so. We need herd immunity to protect our more vulnerable, high-risk members of our community.
There has been a lot of anti-vaccine misinformation circulated on social media platforms suggesting this vaccine will alter DNA, was “made too quickly”, and contains microchips. This has caused undue worry to those not familiar with the science and peer reviewed studies.
We have put together some information from reputable sources below. Please read to help you make an informed decision on accessing the Covid-19 vaccine when it is your turn.
Thank you, The AIM Directors
National Autistic Society–Information about coronavirus vaccines https://www.autism.org.uk/advice-and-guidance/topics/coronavirus/health/information-about-upcoming-coronavirus-vaccines
Official UK Government Information–COVID-19 vaccination programme https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/covid-19-vaccination-programme
BMJ vaccine FAQ https://www.bmj.com/content/371/bmj.m4759
BMJ editorial–Covid-19 vaccines: delivering protective immunity https://www.bmj.com/content/371/bmj.m4838
Fact Check NI–Covid-19 vaccines and microchip devices https://factcheckni.org/articles/covid-19-vaccines-and-microchip-devices/
NHS England video–Information about vaccines: For people with a learning disability and autistic people