"Meet the AIM for the Rainbow team, the queer volunteer corner of Autistic Inclusive Meets Community Group AIM
We promote acceptance, understanding, compassion, support and love for young people on the 'double rainbow' intersection, i.e. both neurodivergent and LGBTQIA+ see AIM Rainbow site here:
In no particular order, we are:
Charlie Hart - Ausome Charlie https://www.facebook.com/ausomecharlie
Katie Munday - Autistic and living the dream https://www.facebook.com/autisticandlivingthedream
Erin Ekins - Queerly Autistic
David Gray-Hammond Emergent Divergence: The neurodivergent ramblings of David Gray-Hammond
Aida H Dee - Aida H Dee The Storytime Drag Queen our fabulous patron
Bobbi Elman Bobbi Elman Autistic Experience Consultancy & Training SM
Ollie Roscoe Ollie Âû : Wellness, Whimsy & Wonder
Piper Strange Piper Strange Art
Text by Charlie Hart