We are protesting the cruel abuse that Megan has suffered in The William Frasier Centre, 19/1 Tipperlinn Rd, Edinburgh EH10 5EX
The protest will take place outside the centre on July 23rd from 11-3pm
We do not wish to cause distress to the patients that are inside, so we will not be using loud speakers, mics and will not chant loudly.
Please come put and support us, Megan is in danger of starving to death if she is not discharged back to her mother's care.
See information and petition link below:
My name is Emma Dalmayne, I am from Autistic Inclusive Meets, an Autistic led organisation in SE London.
We were tagged on social media on this appalling discriminatory case about a young girl named Megan who is in Scotland.
Now we are supporting Megan's mum Shona.
This is what's happened. There are multiple Human Rights violations. Megan is 18, she is Autistic, Learning Disabled, has ARFID and Hypermobility.
Megan was prescribed some nutritious calorie laden shakes to be given in addition to the three meals a day plus snacks she was having, Shona was concerned and had asked for them as Megan was rapidly losing weight.
Megan couldn't tolerate the taste or texture, in her words they tasted 'powdery' so she refused to drink them. Shona enquired about an NG tube as she was concerned that Megan needed to have more nutrients than she was getting from her safe food diet.
The decision was wrongly made that Shona had neglected Megan, and had not tried to make Megan have the shakes, was only interested in the Nasal Gastric feeding tube option and was blocking professionals from helping Megan.
Here is what happened, written by Shona:
"On Monday 15th July 3rd police vans, a doctor, a social worker and nurses turned up at home our safe space. They demanded to be let in or they would use force to break the door down.
I let them in as they had a warrant. They found my daughter hiding under the bed.
The fear in her eyes was awful, she ran and tried to get out the front door it was locked, down she ran into my bedroom in to the bathroom.
By this point I couldn’t count how many people where swarming our home. I asked them to back off from the bathroom as she was getting so distressed, they refused, so I attempted to close the door a bit more for her privacy. The policeman was in the way, in my distress I hadn't realised, he grabbed me and pinned me on the bed and put handcuffs on me, they held my ankles and pushed my face into the bed and told me I had assaulted an officer. My neighbour was here so witnessed it all and said I most definitely didn’t assault anyone.
Then the screaming began. Screams that will haunt me for the rest of my life.
Four police officers dragged her out of bathroom she was trying to grab onto anything, I couldn’t see properly as they kept pressing my head into bed.
When she saw me she yelled let go of her, Megan doesn’t speak much so this shows level of distress too. I didn’t see what happened after as they tore my vulnerable girl away from her safe space. My neighbour said she’s glad I didn’t see.
They took her to an unknown place and for hours no one knew where she was. Eventually we were told. She had been taken to a locked adult Learning Disability Physch ward. I asked to see her they refused saying she was too distressed. I said I hope you haven’t pinned her and drugged her, they said they hadn’t.
I called in the morning they said she had slept well......the reason for that was they had drugged her and pinned her without telling me so she was totally sedated so no wonder she slept!
I went to see my daughter. I have no words to describe the utter horror I felt when she walked in, in tears, clung to me and sathe"Mummy they hurt me," I asked to see where. She was covered in bruises.
I demanded an explanation only to be told it was done in her best interests and to keep her safe.
Megan is 18. She is not mentally unwell! She struggles with ARFID since an incident at her old gymnastics club triggered it really badly at the end two months of last year.
I visited the next morning at 10am, I was asked to leave at 11am after no explanation or answers to any of my questions were given!! Megan clung to me and for the next two hours they tried to prise her arm and hands of me using force and restraint but she didn’t let go she held on through the pain.
This went on for almost two and half hours.
She had told me they lay on the back of her knees crushing them into the floor and she could hardly walk when she got up. She has hypermobility and is recovering from an knee injury.
Since being in there she has eaten and drunk nothing. They are starving her to death and she is crying with hunger and begging me to bring her her safe foods.
They won’t let me in after first visit I've taken a bag with safe foods but because they won’t let me give it to her, and when they give it to her she won’t touch the food as she doesn’t trust them, no wonder!
They also are also replacing things that are not her safe foods, she knows as the packaging is different etc but they are telling her I put them in (which I didn’t), and she says no, and they say why would Mummy put things in that she knows you wouldn’t like it.
She is going to die in there.
They won’t let her have her charger to charge her phone leaving her very shortly with no one to contact. She managed to get charger last night and they have now shut off all the electricity in her room so she can’t charge her phone they won’t let anyone visit her they have completely isolated.
She hasn’t showered since Tuesday as she won’t leave her bag alone in case they tamper with it or take anything from it."
Please sign and share this petition everywhere. The way the William Fraser Centre are treating Megan is inhumane, it's cruel.
Shona has been given no paperwork and has no idea how long Megan is to be kept locked up for.
Please see this link:
"Weʼre raising £1,000 to Pay for an ARFID expert to offer advice on the best way to support a young lady currently sectioned, and possible legal representation".
Images of Megan below, she's won medals for her gymnastics, now she's bruised, scared and desperate at the mercy of the William Fraser Centre staff.
Let's get Megan out!